Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Modern Indian History MCQ Objective Question Answer

250+ Modern Indian History MCQ Objective Question Answer [PDF]

Indian freedom struggle mcq Quiz PDF

1. When did Vasco da Gama arrived in Calicut, India on…………
a) 1398 b) 1495 c) 1496 d) 1498
2. Diu was the colony of the …………..
a) Portuguese b) English c) Dutch d) French
3. Which country established a trading post in Gujarat in 1612.
a) British b) French c) Spain d) Dutch
4. In 1614 Sir Thomas Roe was instructed by …………… to visit the court of Jahangir, the
Mughal emperor of India.
a) James I b) Babar c) Shajahan d) Humayun
5. In 1661 the company obtained ………….. from Charles II.
a) Bombay b) Madras c) Kannur d) Calcutta
6. In 1650 Gabriel Boughton, an employee of the Company obtained a license for trade in ………….
a) Bengal b) Orissa c) Mysore d) Surat
7. Year of the Battle of Plassey is ………….
a) 1557 b) 1657 c) 1757 d) 1857
8. Year of the Battle of Wandiwash is …………
a) 1560 b) 1660 c) 1760 d) 1860
9. Year of the Battle of Buxar is………….
a) 1764 b) 1767 c) 1784 d) 1864
10) Warren Hastings was appointed as the Governor of …………… in 1772.
a) Bengal b) Madras c) Bombay d) Delhi
11. Regulating Act was in the year of……………
a) 1573 b) 1673 c) 1773 d) 1873
12. Hyder Ali was the ruler of …………..
a) Hyderabad b) Mysore c) Cochi d) Bengal
13. Mahe was a colony of …………..
a) English b) French c) Dutch d) Germany
14. In November 1781, Sir Eyre Coote defeated …………….. at Porto Nova.
a) Hyder Ali b) Marthanda Verma c) British d) Tipu Sultan
15. The Treaty of Mangalore was in the year ……………….
a)1484 b) 1584 c) 1684 d) 1784
16. Seringapatam was the capital of ……………..
a) Pazhassi Raja b) Tipu Sultan c) Kurumbranad Raja d) Sri Moolam Thirunal
17. The fourth …………………..War was of short duration and decisive and ended with Tipu’s death on May 4, 1799.
a) Anglo-Mysore b) French- Mysore War c) Maratha -Mysore war d) Nyzam-Mysore War
18. The Treaty of Surat was in the year ……………
a) 1475 b) 1575 c) 1675 d) 1775
19. Treaty of Rajpurghat” was signed on December 25, 1805 between Holkar and ……………
a) French b) British c) Portuguese d) Dutch
20. The Company was granted an English Royal Charter, under the name Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies, by …………………. on 31 December 1600.
a) Elizabeth I b) Elizabeth II c) Henry VII d) Henry VIII
Answers From Question 221 to 234
1.d 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.a 6.a 7.c 8.c 9.a 10.a 11.c 12.b 13.b 14.a 15.d 16.b 17.a 18.d 19.b 20.a
21. Under the Government of India ……………, the British Crown assumed direct administration of India in the new British Raj.
a) Act of 1658 b) Act of 1758 c) Act of 1858 d) Act of 1947
22. Defeat of the Spanish Armada in ………….
a)1256 b) 1288 c) 1588 d) 1688
23. The English East Company achieved a major victory over the Portuguese in the Battle of …………………. in 1612.
a) Buxar b) Plassey c) Swally d) Trafalgar
24. The Seven Years’ War (1756–1763) resulted in the defeat of the…………. forces.
a) American b) British c) French d) Russian
25.Robert Clive, the Governor General of the ……………….
a) Dutch b) French c) British d) Portuguese
26.Joseph François Dupleix was the commander of the ……………. forces in India.
a) French b) British c) American d) Dutch
27. Who defeated the Spanish Armada?
a)Elizebeth I b) Elizebeth II c) Henry VIII d) James I
28. The First Opium War started……………
a) 1729 b) 1736 c) 1839 d) 1939
29. Indian Mutiny began in …………
a) 1557 b) 1657 c) 1857 d) 1957
30. The Company lost all its administrative powers……………
a) By the Government of India Act of 1658 b) By the Government of India Act of 1758
c) By the Government of India Act of 1858 d) By the Government of India Act of 1958
31. Who set up the dual system of administration in Bengal?
a) Robert Clive b)Lord Wellesley c)Dupleix d)Lord Macaulay
32.  …………………….Permanent settlement was made in Bengal in the sphere of revenue administration.
a) William Pitt b) Hastings c) William Bentinck d) Lord Cornwallis
33. The Permanent Settlement was enforced on………………….
a) 1693 b)1793 c)1893 d) 1933
34. Subsidiary Alliance was introduced by ………………
a) Lord Wellesley b) Sir John Shore c) Robert Clive d) Lord Dalhousie
35. Fakir-Sannyasi Resistance against the East India Company dominance in ……………
a) Gujarat b) Kerala c) Karnataka d) Bengal
36………………………., a judge of the Supreme Court founded the Asiatic society of Bengal in 1784 A.D.
a) Sir William Jones b) Warren Hastings c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy d) Lord Macaulay
37. Charles Wood’s Despatch…………………
a) 1554 A.D b) 1684 c) 1784 d) 1854
38. The Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act ………………
a) 1856 b) 1858 c) 1865 d) 1946
39. The policy of Doctrine of lapse was introduced by ………………
a) Lord Wellesley b) Lord William Bentinck c) Lord Macaulay d) Lord Dalhousie
40. The ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ was in the year …………
a) 1657 b) 1757 c) 1765 d) 1857
Answers From Question 221 to 234
21.c 22.c 23.c 24.c 25.c 26.a 27.a 28.c 29.c 30.c 31.a 32.d 33.b 34.a 35.d 36.a 37.d 38.a 39.d 40.d
41. The Indian National Congress was formed …………
a) 1885 b) 1887 c) 1888 d) 1895
42. The Vernacular Press Act was passed in ……………
a) 1878 b) 1881 c) 1888 d) 1898
43. The Vernacular Press Act was repealed by ……………
a) Lord Ripon b) Lord Lytton c) Lord William Bentic d) Gladstone
44. Who made remarkable contribution to the development of Local government?
a) Lord Ripon b) Gladstone c) W.W Hunter d) Hastings
45. The land was owned by temples Known as …………………
a) Dewaswam b) Brahmaswam c) Cherikkal d) Kanam
46. Tipu was defeated in the …………… Anglo-Maratha war by the British.
a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth
47. According to the terms of the treaty of Srirangapattanam, ………..was ceded to the British.
a) Malabar b) Cochi c) Travancore d) Mysore
48. Throughout the 19th century intermittent uprisings occurred in Malabar, especially in the ………….and Valluvanad taluks.Twenty two such riots were reported from different parts of Malabar.
a) Ernad b) Cochi c) Travancore d) Kannur
49. MSP means means ………………
a) Malabar Special Police b) Mysore special police
c) Madras special police d) Mappila Special Police
50. The violent Mappilas stormed the bunglow of the District Magistrate ……….and murdered him in 1855.
a) H.V. Connolly b) William Logan c) Lord Ripond d) Gladstone
51. As the unrest continued unabatedly, the Madras government appointed ………, the collector of Malabar as special commissioner to enquire into the causes of the uprisings and recommend remedial measures.
a) Connolly b) William Logan c) S.N. Banerjee d) Gokahale
52. The culmination of the series of the uprisings was the Mappila revolt of ……….
a) 1721 b) 1821 c) 1895 d) 1921
53. When the East India Company came into existence, England was ruled by the……………
a) Hanoverians b) Stuarts c) Normans d) Tudors
54. The greatest contribution of the British rule to the growth of India nationalism was the ………………
a) introduction of western education in India b) Racial arrogance of the British
c)Denial of Higher Jobs to deserving Indians d) Queen’s proclamation of 1858
55. In 1877 the entrance age to ICS was reduced from 21 to ……………
a) 17 b) 18 c) 19 d ) 20
56…………… started an all-India campaign for restoring the entrance age of 21 and for simultaneous ICS examination in India.
a) Gokahale b) S.N. Banerjee c) Tilak d) William Logan
57. Who …………….tried to rediscover India’s past.
a) Lord Lytton b) Max Muller c) S.N. Banerjee d) Gokahale
58. Lytton held an Imperial Durbar at Delhi in 1877 to announce …………..as the Empress of India at a time when a large part of the country was in the grip of a severe famine.
a) Queen Elizabeth b) Queen Victoria c) Queen Anne d) Queen Marie
59. Who put on the statute book two obnoxious measures the vernacular press Act and the Indian Arms Act.
a) Lord Ripon b) Lytton c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy d) Queen Victoria
60. The llbert Bill controversy during the period of Lord Ripon exposed the racial bitterness of the British and united the Indians.
a) Lytton b) Lord Ripon c) Queen Elizabeth d) Queen Anne
Answers From Question 221 to 234
41.a 42.a 43.a 44.a 45.a 46.c 47.a 48.a 49.a 50.a 51.b 52.d 53.b 54.a 55.c 56.b 57.b 58.b 59.b 60.b
61. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the founder of the………………
a) Brahma Samaj b) Arya Samaj c) Ramakrishna Mission d) Theosophical society
62. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was given the title ‘Raja’ by the……………
a) Mughals b) British c) French d) Dutch
63. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on May 22, 1772 in village Radhanagar in the District of Hooghly in …………….
a) Bombay b) Assam c) Bengal d) MP
64. In ……………., a man named Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded an organization called ‘Brahma Samaj’.
a) 1628 b) 1728 c) 1828 d) 1928
65. Who is regarded as as the ‘father of modern India’.
a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy b) Swami Dayananda Saraswati c) Sri Aurobindo d) Bhagat Singh
66. Who convinced the British in 1829 to outlaw Sati?
a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy b) Swami Dayananda Saraswati c) Lokmanya Tilak d) Bhagat Singh
67. Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati was an important Hindu religious scholar, reformer, and founder of the ……………
a) Arya Samaj b) Brahma Samaj c) Ramakrishna Mission d) Theosophical society
68. Who was the first to give the call for Swarajya– “India for Indians”?
a) Dayanand Saraswati b) Lokmanya Tilak c) Sri Aurobindo. d) Bhagat Singh
69. Who founded India House in London and guided other revolutionaries.
a) Sri Aurobindo b) Lokmanya Tilak c) Shyamji Krishna Varma d) Bhagat Singh
70. Satyarth Prakash was written by ………….
a) Lala Lajpat Rai b) Lala Hardyal c) Dayanand Saraswati d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
71. Dayananda was born on February 12 in 1824, in the town of Tankara, near Morvi (Morbi) in the Kathiawar region of the princely state of……………
a) Assam b) Uttar Pradesh c) Bihar d) Gujarat
72. Who He said,”I accept as Dharma whatever is in full conformity with impartial justice, truthfulness and the like; that which is not opposed to the teachings of God as embodied in the Vedas. Whatever is not free from partiality and is unjust, partaking of untruth and the like, and opposed to the teachings of God as embodied in the Vedas—that I hold as adharma”.He also said “He, who after careful thinking, is ever ready to accept truth and reject falsehood; who counts the happiness of others as he does that of his own self, him I call just”.
a) Baba Ram Singh b) Ranjit Singh c) Lal Singh d) Dayananda Saraswathi
73. In 1883 Dayananda was invited by the Maharaja of ………….to stay at his palace.
a) Uttar Pradesh b) Kashmir c) Gujarat d) Jodhpur
74. Nirankari movement, which was started by…………
a) Baba Dyal b) Ranjit Singh c) Lal Singh d) Tej Singh
75. The Namdhari, or Kuka, movement had its origin in the ………………..corner of the Sikh kingdom, away from the places of royal pomp and grandeur.
a) North-west b) North-south c) North-east d) south
76. Who were called “Kukas”?
a) Namdhari b) Nirankari c) Tilak d) Sri Aurobindo
77. Baba Ram Singh, born at Bhaini, in …………district in 1816.
a) Haryana b) Jodhpur c) Kashmir d) Ludhiana
78. Baba Ram Singh passed away on November 29,…………
a) 1885 b) 1887 c) 1889 d) 1923
79. The Singh Sabha intended to restore Sikhism to its past purity by publishing historical religious books, magazines and journals, to propagate knowledge using Punjabi, to return Sikh apostates to their original faith, and to involve highly placed …………in the educational programme of the Sikhs.
a) Portuguese b) Frenchmen c) Dutch d) Englishmen
80. Jyotiba Phule was one of the prominent ………….of the 19th century India.
a) Scientists b) politicians c) Economists d) Social reformers
Answers From Question 221 to 234
61.a 62.a 63.c 64.c 65.a 66.a 67.a 68.a 69.c 70.c 71.d 72.d 73.d 74.a 75.a 76.a 77.d 78.a 79.d 80.d
81. Jyotirao Phule was born in Satara district of …………….in 1827.
a) Maharastra b) Madras c) Gujarat d) Malabar
82. Jyotirao family belonged to ………….. caste.
a) Mali b) Thiyya c) Pulaya d) Mahar
83. In 1848, an incident took place in his life that later sparked off the dalit-revolution in the Indian society. Jyotirao was invited to attend a wedding of one of his ……………friends.
a) Brahmin b) Christian c) pulaya d) Nayar
84. After reading Thomas Paine’s famous book …………Jyotirao was greatly influenced by his ideas.
a) The Rights of Man b) prince c) Utopia d) Advaitha Deepika
85. Viewing the pathetic condition of widows and unfortunate children Jyotirao decided the open
an orphanage called ……………
a) Satya Shodhak Samaj b) Arya Samaj c) Brahma Samaj d) Ramakrishna Mission
86. In ………, Jyotiba Phule formed the Satya Shodhak Samaj (Society of Seekers of Truth).
a) 1773 b) 1853 c) 1873 d) 1889
87. Jyotiba Phule died On 28 November,……………………..
a) 1850 b) 1859 c) 1870 d) 1890
88. Sri Nārāyana Guru  was born into an ……………. family.
a) Ezhava b) Nayar c) Pulaya d) Vannan
89. Narayana Guru was born on August 22, 1856, in the village of ………….near Thiruvananthapuram
a) Chempazhanthi b) Karunagapally c) Kayamkulam d) Kannur
90. Narayana Guru was the son of……………
a) Madan Asan b) Krishnan Vaidyan c) Kummampilli Rāman Pillai Asan d) kumaran
91. The young Nanu had a keen mind and was sent to a famous scholar, ………….Asan at Karunagapally, a village fifty miles away from his home, at the age of 21.
a) Madan Asan b) Kummampilli Rāman Pillai c) Krishnan Vaidyan d) Kumaran Asan
92. Under pressure from his family, Nanu married…………., the daughter of a traditional village doctor.
a) Kaliamma b) Kaliamma c) Rohini d) Meenakshi Amma
93. Nanu met Kunjan Pillai, who later came to be known as Chattampi Swamikal. Kunjan Pillai, who discovered and appreciated Nānu Āśān’s philosophical genius and passion for Yoga, introduced him to…………, a ‘Hatha yogi’.
a) Madan Asan b) Thycattu Ayyaavu c) Krishnan Vaidyan d) Kumaran Asan
94. Nānu moved to his hermitage deep inside the hilly forests of……………., where he led an austere life immersed in meditative thought and yoga and subjected himself to extreme sustenance rituals.
a) Silanka b) Maruthwāmala c) Karunagapally d) Kayamkulam
95. Nārāyana Guru’s later literary and philosophical masterpiece Atmopadesa Satakam written in……………
a) Tamil b) Malayalam c) Sanskrit d) Hindi
96. Aruvippuram installation was done by ………………
a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Nārāyana Guru c) Chattambi Swamikal d) C.Kesavan
97. A new phase began in the Guru’s life in 1904. He decided to give up his wandering life and settle down in a place to continue his Sadhana (spiritual practice). He chose…………, twenty miles north of Thiruvananthapuram.
a) Karunagapally b) Sivagiri c) Kayamkulam d) Kannur
98. Nārāyana Guru started a Sanskrit school in …………..
a) Varkala b) Kottayam c) Mahi d) Calicut
99. In 1913 ….founded the Advaita Ashram at Aluva.
a) Nārāyana Guru b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Chattambi Swamikal d) K.Madhavan
100. When Nārāyana Guru attained the age of sixty, his birthday was observed throughout the west-coast from Mangalore to ……………
a) Varkala b) Sri Lanka c) Kottayam d) Calicut
Answers From Question 221 to 234
81.a 82.a 83.a 84.a 85.a 86.c 87.d 88.a 89.a 90.a 91.b 92.b 93.b 94.b 95.b 96.b 97.b 98.a 99.a 100.b
101. ……… a notable disciple of Sree Nārāyana Guru introduced Guru’s visions and ideals to the western world.
a) Nataraja Guru b) Kumaranasan c) Chattambi Swamikal d) K.Madhavan
102. Who established Narayana Gurukulam in 1923 in the Nilgiri Hills with the blessings of Nārāyana Guru?
a) Nataraja Guru b) Chattambi Swamikal c) T.K.Madhavan d) Dr.Palpu
103. In 1913, the Guru founded an Ashram at …………..called the Advaita Ashram.
a) Vaikom b) Palluruthi c) Aluva d) Trichur
104. Who formed SNDP Yogam?
a) T.K.Madhavan b) Nataraja Guru c) Nārāyana Guru d) Dr.Palpu
105. In a message to the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam in 1926 ………….declared, No community can make progress except through organization.
a) Chattambi Swamikal b) Dr.Palpu c) Nārāyana Guru d) Rajaram Mohan Roy
106. Who said this message, the name Ezhava does not denote a caste or a religion and he made temple rights to everyone. Therefore people can be admitted to this organization without paying heed to differences of caste.
a) Chattambi Swamikal b) T. K. Madhavan c) Nārāyana Guru d) Rajaram Mohan Roy
107.On June 14, 1927 ………….consecrated a mirror – with the message “Om shanti” written on the surface – in a temple in Kalavankode.
a) Rajaram Mohan Roy b) T. K. Madhavan c) Sree Narayana Guru d) Govindan Vaidyar
108. Gurudevan participated in the anniversary of the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam held at Palluruthy in…………..
a) 1913 b) 1917 c) 1927 d) 1948
109. In 1928 Gurudevan took part in the special meeting of the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam at ……………..
a) Kollam b) Trivandrum c) Kottayam d) Aluva
110. Sivagiri pilgrimage was conceived by ………….and T K Kittan Writer. It was duly approved by Gurudevan on January, 1928.
a) Vallabhassery Govindan Vaidyar b)T. K. Madhavan
c) Rajaram Mohan Roy d) Govindan Vaidyar
111. Who said: “Let the pilgrims congregate at the beginning of the Gregorian calendar year. It should be Dhanu 16-17 in Malayalam calendar. Let the pilgrims observe 10 days’self-purification according to Sri Buddha’s principles of five purities – body, food, mind, word, and deed called as Pancha Dharma.
a) S.Sankunni b) P.V.Raghavan c) M.S.Raghavan d) Sree Narayana Guru
112. Who ruled that pilgrims could wear yellow clothes – the colour of the garments Sri Buddha wore.
a) P.K.Kesavan b) Govindan Vaidyar c) P.K.Divakara Panicker d) Sree Narayana Guru
113.’Swathanthrya gatha’ – was written by the great poet ………….
a) Cherusseri b) O.N.V.Kurup c) G.Sankara kurup d) Kumaranasan
114. Guru died on 20 September, …………
a) 1902 b) 1908 c) 1918 d) 1928
115. Who proclaimed: It is years since I left castes and religions. Yet some people think that I belong to their caste. That is not correct. I do not belong to any particular caste or religion.
a) Mahatma Gandhi b) T. K. Madhavan c) Rajaram Mohan Roy d) Sree Narayana Guru
116. Concerning the caste system, …………..said the following to Nārāyana Guru: “The caste- Hindus and the low caste-Hindus are both the sons of Hinduism. The caste-Hindu is the elder brother who shoulders responsibility, and he therefore exercises certain privileges. The low caste- Hindu is his younger brother who is to be cared for. If the elder brother turns out to be somewhat rough and aggressive that should not make the younger brother a runaway from his mother Hinduism.”
a) Chattambi Swamikal b) Dadabhai Naoroji c) Tilak d) Mahatma Gandhi
117.One Caste One Religion, One God for Man is the teaching of ………….
a) Rajaram Mohan Roy b) Chattambi Swamikal c) C.Kesavan d) Sree Narayana Guru
118. All are of one Self-fraternity such being the dictum to avow, In such a light how can we take life And devoid of least pity go on to eat.who said?
a) Tilak b) Chattambi Swamikal c) Rajaram Mohan Roy d) Sree Narayana Guru
119. Who said Ask not, Say not Think not caste. Think only Gods.
a) Sree Narayana Guru b) William Logan c) Connolly d) S.N. Banerjee
120. In 1901 the State Census Manual of …………recorded Sree Nārāyana as a revered “Guru” and an erudite Sanskrit scholar.
a) Travancore b) Malabar c) Cochi d) Kottayam
Answers From Question 221 to 234
101.a 102.a 103.c 104.c 105.c 106.c 107.c 108.c 109.c 110.a 111.d 112.d 113.d 114.d 115.d 116.d 117.d 118.d 119.a 120.a
121. In 1904 the then Maharajah of Travancore exempted Nārāyana Guru from personal appearances in court, an honour recognizing the Guru as a distinguished living personality.
a) Kannur b) Thalassery c) Travancore d) Cochi
122. The first statue of the Guru was conceived by …………..
a) Moorkoth Kumaran b) Tavaroli c) Bodhananda Swamikal d) Gokahale
123. Who called Sree Narayana Guru as ‘The Second Buddha’?
a) G. Sankara Kurup b) Swami Vivekananda c) Bodhananda Swamikal d) Moorkoth Kumaran
124. Atmopadesa Śatakam is the work of ……………………
a) Dr.Palpu b) Chattambi Swamikal c) C.Kesavan d) Sree Narayana Guru
125. Advaita Deepika is the work of ………………………
a) Sree Narayana Guru b) Chattambi Swamikal c) C.Kesavan d) Dr.Palpu
126. Daiva Dasakam is a Malayalam work of ………………..
a)Sree Narayana Guru b) Chattambi Swamikal c) C.Kesavan d) T.K.Madhavan
127. Jathi Nirnayam is the work of …………………..
a) Sree Narayana Guru b) C.Kesavan c)Nataraja Guru d) T.K.Madhavan
128……………………….’s Darsana Mala is written Sanskrit.
a) Sree Narayana Guru b) Chattambi Swamikal c) C.Kesavan d) Dr.Palpu
129. Brahmavidya Panchakam is a Sanskrit work of ……………….
a) Sree Narayana Guru b) Chattambi Swamikal c) K.Madhvan Nair
130. Nirvriti Panchakam was written by ………………
a) C.Kesavan b) Chattambi Swamikal c) Brahmananda Sivayogi d) Sree Narayana Guru
131.Thevarappathinkangal is a Tamil work of ………………
a) Chattambi Swamikal b) Sree Narayana Guru c) K.Ayyappan d) K.madhavan Nair
132. “Sir Syed was a prophet of education” who said?
a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Sree Narayana Guru c) Chattambi Swamikal d) Tilak
133. Who said “Sir Saiyad was an ardent reformer and he wanted to reconcile modern scientific thought with religion by rationalistic interpretations and not by attacking basic belief. He was anxious to push new education. He was in no way communally separatist. Repeatedly he emphasized that religious differences should have no political and national significance”.
a) Inder Kumar Gujral b) Jawaharlal Nehru c) Mahatma Gandhi d) Mohammad Iqbal
134……………….was the Founder Father of Aligarh movement.
a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan b) Maqsud Ali c) Abul kalam Azad d) Karim Ali
135. Who instituted Scientific Society in 1863 to create a scientific temperament among the Muslims and to make the Western knowledge available to Indians in their own language?
a) Mohammad Iqbal b) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan c) Karim Ali d) Inayat Ali
136. The Aligarh Institute Gazette, an organ of the Scientific Society was started in March ……… and succeeded in transforming the minds in the traditional Muslim Society.
a) 1766 b) 1866 c) 1869 d) 1870
137. In 1875, Sir Syed founded the Madrasatul Uloom in …………….
a) Delhi b) Aligarh c) Bengal d) Agra
138. Who founded as Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College (MAOC) at Aligarh in 1875?
a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan b) Mirza Mohammad c) Maulana Qasim Nanotvi d) Maulana Abdullah Ansari
139. Sir Syed breathed his last on Sunday, 27th March……………
a) 1878 b) 1898 c) 1901 d) 1906
140. The Wahhabi Movement named after its founder Abdul Wahab originated in Arabia in the 18th century with a view to restoring Islam to its pristine purity and order.
a) Manipal b) Arabia c) America d) Africa
Answers From Question 221 to 234
121.c 122.a 123.a 124.d 125.a 126.a 127.a 128.a 129.a 130.d 131.b 132.a 133.b 134.a 135.b 136.b 137.b 138.a 139.b 140.b
141. In India, the Wahhabi movement was started by………………………………
a) Syed Ahmed of Rai Bareilly b) ViIayet Ali c) Mohammad Ali d) Jahan Dad Khan
142. The battle of Balakot was in ……………………….
a) 1806 b) 1821 c) 1831 d) 1896
143. Swami Vivekananda, known in his pre-monastic life as………………….
a) Narendra Nath Datta b) Vishwanath Datta c) Upendranath Datta d) Vasava Datta
144. Swami Vivekananda was born in an affluent family in ……….on 12 January 1863.
a) Bombay b) Ajmer c) Kolkata d) Orrisa
145. Swami Vivekananda’s father, …………., was a successful attorney with interests in a wide range of subjects.
a) Vishwanath Datta b) Narendra Nath Datta c) Sri Ramakrishna d) Rashik Krishna Mallik
146. Swami Vivekananda graduated from ………….University.
a) Delhi b) Hyderabad c) Calcutta d) Karachi
147. In November 1881, Narendra went to meet …………..who was staying at the Kali Temple in Dakshineswar.
a) Sri Ramakrishna b) Rashik Krishna Mallik c) Dakshina Ranjan Mukhopadhyay d) Ramgopal Ghose
148. Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission?
a) Derozio b) Satkari Datta c) SwamiVivekananda d) Sri Ramakrishna Parama Hamsar
149. Swami Vivekananda attended the World’s Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in …………………
a) 1863 b) 1876 c) 1893 d) 1897
150. Vivekananda felt that the Parliament would provide the right forum to present his Master’s message to the world, and so he decided to go to America. Another reason which prompted Swamiji to go to America was to seek financial help for his project of uplifting the masses. swamiji, however, wanted to have an inner certitude and divine call regarding his mission. Both of these he got while he sat in deep meditation on the rock-island at ……………….
a) Mumbai b) America c) Kanyakumari d) Chennai
151. Whose speeches at the World’s Parliament of Religions held in September 1893 made him famous as an ‘orator by divine right’ and as a ‘Messenger of Indian wisdom to the Western world’.
a) Swami Vivekananda b) Sri Ramakrishna c) Chandra Sekhar Deb d) Shyama Charan Sen
152. When Ramakrishna Mission founded?
a) 1795 b) 1797 c) 1894 d) 1897
153.In early 1898 Swami Vivekananda acquired a big plot of land on the western bank of the Ganga at a place called Belur to have a permanent abode for the monastery and monastic Order originally started at Baranagar, and got it registered as Ramakrishna Math after a couple of years.
a) Allahabad b) Lahore c) Amritsar d) Belur
154. ‘Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man’.who said?
a)Swami Vivekananda b) Sri Ramakrishna c) Chandra Sekhar Deb d) Sri Narayana Guru
155. The Theosophical Society is an organization formed in ………….. to advance the spiritual principles and search for Truth known as Theosophy.
a) 1842 b) 1843 c) 1845 d) 1875
156. The Theosophical Society was officially formed in New York City, United States, in November 1875 by Helena Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge and others.
a) Madras b) Calcutta c) Bombay d) New York
157.After a few years Olcott and Blavatsky moved to India and established the International Headquarters at Adyar, in………………
a) New Zealand b) Canada c) Australia d) Madras
158………………, second President of The Theosophical Society from 1907 to 1933, was described as a ‘Diamond Soul’, for she had many brilliant facets to her character.
a) Annie Besant b) Krishnamohan Banerjee c) Hari Mohan d) Govind Chandra Sen
159……………. joined the National Secular Society in 1874 and worked in the free thought and radical movements led by Charles Bradlaugh, MP.
a) Annie Besant b) Tarachand Chakravarty c) D. R. Mukhopadhyaya, d) Brojnath Dhar
160. …………………co-edited ‘the National Reformer’ with Charles Bradlaugh and wrote many political and free-thought books and pamphlets from 1874–88.
a) W. T. Stead b) S. N. Banerjee c) H. P. Blavatsky d) Annie Besant
Answers From Question 221 to 234
141.a 142.c 143.a 144.c 145.a 146.c 147.a 148.c 149.c 150.c 151.a 152.d 153.d 154.a 155.d 156.d 157.d 158.a 159.a 160.d
161………………. was prominent in the Labour and Socialist movements, a member of the Fabian Society and Social Democratic Federation, and took an active part in Trade Union work among unskilled labourers.
a) Annie Besant b) H. P. Blavatsky c) W. T. Stead d) H. S. Olcott
162. Annie Besant joined The Theosophical Society on 21 May …………..
a) 1867 b) 1878 c) 1879 d)1889
163. In 1893 ……………….represented The Theosophical Society at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago.
a) Annie Besant b) George Thompson c) GF Remfry d) Ramgopal Ghosh
164. In 1893 ………………… landed in India, made a tour of the country in the company of H. S. Olcott, and, by her splendid presentation of Indian philosophy and her undisguised personal preference for the Indian spiritual heritage, won the support of orthodox Brahmins to Theosophy.
a) Annie Besant b) Upendranath Basu c) I. N. Gurtu d) George Thompson
165. Who founded the Central Hindu School and College in Benares (now Varanasi)?
a) Annie Besant b) Dr Bhagavan Das c) Govinda Das d) G. N. Chakravarti
166. In 1907, after the passing of Col. H. S. Olcott, …………….. became the second International President of the Theosophical Society.
a) Annie Besant b) Sarojini Naidu c) Ahalya Rangnekar d) Bhabani Charan Mitra
167.’A Study in Consciousness’ was written by …………………
a) Annie Besant b) Mrinal Gore c) Prasanna Kumar Tagore d) Rajkamal Sen
168. Who was the author of ‘Esoteric Christianity’?
a) Jawaharlal Nehru b) J. Krishnamurti c) Sarala Devi Chaudhurani d) Annie Besant
169…………… started The Adyar Bulletin, which continued until 1929.
a) Annie Besant b) J. Krishnamurti c) Durgabai Deshmukh d) Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaya.
170.A new period in……………’s life began in 1913 when she became active in Indian politics, and gave a lead by claiming ‘Home Rule’ for India.
a) Ammu Swaminathan b) Malati Patwardhan c) Annie Besant d) Ambujammal
171. Who started the Young Men’s Indian Association in 1914?
a) Annie Besant b) Swarnakumari Devi c) Devendranath Tagore d) Rabindranath Tagore
172. Who started the journal ‘The Commonweal’?
a)N.G.Chandavarkar b) Annie Besant c) M.G. Ranade d) R.G. Bhandarkar
173. Who started the journal ‘New India’?
a) C.W.Leadbeater b) Annie Besant c) Ram Mohun Roy d) Keshub Chandra Sen
174. ……………..formed the Arya Mahila Samaj in Pune?
a) Ramabai Saraswati b) Swarnakumari Devi c) Lord Chelmsford d) Annie Besant
175. Who started the Sharda Sadan in Bombay?
a) Ramabai Saraswati b) Sarala Devi Chaudhurani c) Lord Edwin Montague d) Dorothy Jinarajadasa
176. The year of the foundation of the Women’s Indian Association (WIA) is ……….
a) 1913 b) 1917 c) 1937 d) 1947
177. The swadeshi movement in Bengal started on ……………
a) 1902 b) 1905 c) 1908 d) 1909
178. In 1917 Anasuya Sarabhai had led the ………………textile workers’ strike
a) Ahmedabad b) Bombay c) Calcutta d) Malabar
179. In 1920 under her leadership the……………., the Ahmedabad textile mill workers union was  established.
a) Majoor Mahajan b) Ushabai Dange c) Parvati Bhore d) Maniben Kara
180. The formation of the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) at the initiative of ……………in 1972.
a) Ela Bhat b) Roop Kanwar c) Raja radhakant dev d) dwarkanath Tagore
Answers From Question 221 to 234
161.a 162.d 163.a 164.a 165.a 166.a 167.a 168.d 169.a 170.c 171.a 172.b 173.b 174.a 175.a 176.b 177.b 178.a 179.a 180.a
181.The United Nations declared ……………. as the International Year of Women
a) 1875 b) 1878 c) 1905 d) 1956
182. The First World Conference on Women in …………, generated a new interest in and debate on women’s issues.
a) Delhi b) Hyderabad c) Mexico d) Copenhagen
183. Sati was declared a punishable offence in………………
a) 1727 b) 1729 c) 1829 d) 1834
184. The formation of the Indian National Congress (INC) was in the year …………..
a) 1865 b) 1875 c) 1885 d) 1905
185.Zamindari Association was the ………. political association of modern India.
a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth
186.Bengal British India Society founded in Calcutta on 20 April 1843, was the …………………political public association to be formed in British India, the first being the zamindari association (1837).
a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth
187. The British India Society was formed in ……………)
a) 1832 b) 1833 c) 1839 d) 1874
188. In ……… Derozio founded with his students the ‘Academic Association’ which organised debates on various subjects.
a) 1824 b) 1825 c) 1828 d) 1834
189. The Young Bengal group published the …………(Quest for Knowledge) for propagating their views.
a) Jnananvesan b) Parthenon c) Hesperus d) Enquirer.
190. Krishnamohan started the ……………. in 1831
a) Enquirer b) Hindu Pioneer c) Quill d) Bengal Spectator
191. The Hindu Pioneer started in ………….
a) 1827 b) 1831 c) 1834 d) 1838
192. The ……………. was run by Tarachand Chakravarty.
a)Quill b) Hesperus c) Enquirer d) Bengal Spectator
193.Calcutta medical college in…………..
a) 1735 b) 1745 c) 1832 d) 1835
194. British Indian Association was founded on October 29, 1851 at……………..
a) Calcutta b) Pune c) Madras d) Bombay
195. The Mohammedan Association was founded in ………….in 1856.
a) Calcutta b) Adayar c) Madras d) Maharashtra
196. The East India Association was founded by …………. in 1866.
a) Lord Lyveden b) Raja radhakanta dev c)debendranath Tagore d) Dadabhai Naoroji
197. Indian Association formed in ………….. was one of the pioneer political associations with an all India outlook.
a) 1769 b) 1776 c) 1874 d) 1876
198. Prior to the Indian Association Sisir Kumar Ghosh along with Sambhu Charan Mukherjee founded ……………in Calcutta on 25 September 1875.
a) ‘The India League’ b) Indian National Congress c) Madras Mahajana Sabha d) Bombay Presidency Association
199. The partition of Bengal was occurred in ………………..
a) 1804 b) 1805 c) 1904 d) 1905
200. The first organisation in the Madras Presidency to agitate for the rights of Indians was the Madras Native Association which was established by publicist ………………. Chetty in 1849. This organisation did not survive for long and was eventually disbanded.
a) Gazulu Lakshminarasu b) S. Ramaswami Mudaliar c) P. Ananda Charlu d) R. Balaji Rao
Answers From Question 221 to 234
181.c 182.c 183.c 184.c 185.a 186.b 187.c 188.c 189.a 190.a 191.d 192.a 193.d 194.a 195.a 196.d 197.d 198.a 199.d 200.a
201. In May…………., S. Ramaswami Mudaliar and P. Ananda Charlu established the Madras Mahajana Sabha.
a) 1783 b) 1784 c) 1872 d) 1884
202. The Indian National Congress was founded in December 1885 at…………
a) Bombay b) Calcutta c) Madras d) Gujarat
203. The Indian National Congress was the first organized expression of Indian nationalism on an all India Scale………; a retired English LC.S officer played an important rule in its formation.
a) A.O.Hume b) Man Mohan Gosh c) W.C. Banerjee d) S.N.Sen
204. In 1884 …………founded the Indian National Union.
a) A.O.Hume b) A.M. Bose c) Lord Dufferin d) W.C. Banerjee
205. The second session of the congress met in Calcutta on December 1886, under the president
ship of …………….
a) Dadabhai Naoroji b) Kadambini Ganguli c) Pherozeshah Mehta d) D.Ewacha
206. Gokhale was born in a Marathi Brahmin family at ………….
a) Kolhapur b) Poona c) Allahabad d) Assam
207. The Deccan Educational Society founded by ……….
a) D.Ewacha b) Ranade c) W.C.Banerjee d) S.N.Banerjee
208……………..edited the journal of Poona Sarvajanik Sabha.
a) Gokhale b) W.C.Banerjee c) Ranade d) S.N.Banerjee
209. The Minto Morley reforms was in the year ………….
a) 1906 b) 1907 c) 1909 d) 1919
2010. The ‘political philosophy’ was the work of ………….
a) Gopala Krishna Gokhale b) Dadabai Naoroji c) R. C. Dutt d) Lala Lajpath Rai
211. 1905 ………….laid the foundation of the ‘servants of India society’, with a view to the training of national missionaries for the service of India, and to promote by all constitutional means, the true interest of the Indian people.
a) Gokhale b) Dadabai Naoroji c) R. C. Dutt d) Ranade
212. ………………in his book ‘Economic history of India’ wrote ‘If India is poor today it is through the operation of economic causes’.
a) Dadhabai Naoroji b) R.C. Dutt c) Ranade d) R.P.Datt
213. …………………….is remembered as the ‘Grand old man of India’.
a) Ranade b) Dadabhai Naoroji c) Pulinbehari Sarkar d) Amaresh Chakravarty
214. The Bombay Association, the first political association in Bombay presidency was founded by ………….in 1852.
a) Dadabhai Naoroji b) Pulin Behari Sarkar c) Amaresh Chakravarty d) Prankrishna Parija.
215. Dadabhai Naoroji’s book ‘poverty and un British rule in India’ published in …………. analysed the nature of the British rule in India.
a) 1898 b) 1901 c) 1908 d) 1946
216…………… is the acknowledged high priest of the drain theory.
a) Dadabhai Naoroji b) S N Bose c) J.N. Ghosh d) J.N.Mukherjee
217………………., the viceroy of India decided to partition Bengal for administrative purposes, creating a new province of East Bengal and Assam, with a population of 31 million people and with its capital at Dhaka.
a) Lord Curzon b) Lord Rippon c) Lord Hastings d) Wellesley
218. The spark for the Swadeshi Movement was the ………….decision to partition Bengal.
a) French b) British c) Dutch d) Portuguese
219. The partition of Bengal had to be annulled in …………….
a) 1907 b) 1911 c) 1928 d) 1929
220. The inauguration of the Ganapati and Shivaji Festivals was done by ……….
a) Tilak b) Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya c) Shyamaprasad mukherjee d) J.N.Mukherjee
Answers From Question 221 to 234
201.d 202.a 203.a 204.a 205.a 206.a 207.b 208.a 209.c 210.a 211.a 212.b 213.b 214.a 215.b 216.a 217.a 218.b 219.b 220.a
221. The Ganapati festival was started in ………….
a) 1792 b) 1793 c) 1893 d) 1904
222. The first Shivaji festival was held at Raigarh in …………..
a) 1890 b) 1892 c) 1895 d) 1899
223. Hindu Mahasabha was founded in …………….. .
a) 1901 b) 1906 c) 1915 d) 1925
224. Muslim League established in December ………..
a) 1901 b) 1902 c) 1906 d) 1946
225.The background of the foundation of the Muslim League at ……….on 30 December 1906 may be traced back to the establishment of the Indian national congress in 1885.
a) Dhaka b) Shahbag c) Simla d) Bengal
226. ………. made a whirlwind tour of the country in 1916 and in his speeches he said, “Swaraj is my birthright and I will have it.”
a) Tilak b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Gokhale d) Jawaharlal Nehru
227. Who preached the idea of Home Rule through his two news papers – the Kesari and the Maratha?
a) Gokhale b) Annie Besant c) Tilak d) Jawaharlal Nehru
228. Champaran Satyagraha was in ……………..
a) Gujarat b) Bombay c) Bihar d) Madras
229.Champaran Satyagraha was led by …………….
a) Amaresh Chakravarty b) Pulinbehari Sarkar c) Gandhi d) patel
230. Kheda Satyagraha……………………….
a) Gujarat b) Calcutta c) Thana d) Malabar
231. In……….., the First National Trade union organization (The All India Trade Union
Congress (AITUC)) was established.
a) 1904 b) 1908 c) 1917 d) 1920
232. Pazhassi Samarangal (Malayalam) was written by …………
a) K.K.N.Kurup b) Bhattacharya Sabya c) K.K.Kusuman d) B.Sobhanan
233. Against Lord and State was written by ………..
a) Sumit Sarkar b) R.C.Majumdar c) Panikkar K.N d) K.K.N.Kurup
234. Who of the following Governor Generals is associated with Subsidiary Alliance System?
a) Lord Cornwallies b) Lord Wellesley c) Lord Mayo d) Lord Delhousie
235. Who was the first Governor General of India?
a) Warren Hastings b) William Bentick c) Lord Delhousie d) Lord Canning
236. Who was the first Viceroy of India?
a) Robert Clive b) William Bentick c) Lord Delhousie d) Lord Canning
237. The title of ‘Viceroy’ was added to the centre of the Governor-General of India for the first time in
a) 1848 A.D b) 1858 A.D c) 1862 A.D d) 1856 A.D
238. My Experiments with Truth is the work of ……….
a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Tara Chand c) Shankarlal Banker d) Mahadev Desai
239. Who is the author of ‘Social Background of Indian Nationalism’?
a) A.R.Desai b) Dharam Kumar c) Ray Chaudhuri d) K.Rajayyan
240. Author of ‘Culture ideology Hegemony Intellectual and Social consciousness in Colonial India’ is ………
a) K.N.Ganesh b) K.N.Panikkar c) R.C. Majumdar d) Herman Kulke
241. Author of Poverty and Un-British Rule in India is……………
a) Romila Thapar b) Irfan Habib c) S.C.Ghosh d) Naoroji Dadabhai
242. Writing Social History is the book of …………
a) Ania Loomba b) Sumit Sarkar c) Cohn Bernard d) Ranajit Guha
243. The Peasant and the Raj is the work of ……….
a) Eric Stokes b) A.R.Desai c) D.N.Dhanagare d) Shirin Mehta
Answers From Question 221 to 234
221.c 222.c 223.c 224.c 225.a 226.a 227.c 228.c 229.c 230.a 231.d 232.a 233.c 234.b 235.a 236.d 237.b 238.a 239.a 240.b 241.d 242.b 243.


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