Sunday, February 3, 2019

Difference between Planning commission and NITI Aayog

Planning Commission
NITI Aayog
Enjoyed the powers to allocate funds to ministries and state governments.
To be an advisory body, or a think-tank. The powers to allocate funds might be vested in the finance ministry.
The last Commission had eight full-time members
The number of full-time members could be fewer than Planning Commission
States' role was limited to the National Development Council and annual interaction during Plan meetings.
State governments are expected to play a more significant role than they did in the Planning Commission.
Secretaries or member secretaries were appointment through the usual process
Secretaries to be known as the CEO and to be appointed by the prime minister.
Full Planning Commission had no provision for part-time members.
To have a number of part-time members, depending on the need from time to time.
The commission reported to National Development Council that had state chief ministers and lieutenant governors.
Governing Council has state chief ministers and lieutenant governors.
Had deputy chairperson, a member secretary and full-time members
New posts of CEO, of secretary rank, and Vice-Chairperson. Will also have five full-time members and two part-time members. Four cabinet ministers will serve as ex-officio members.
Policy was formed by the commission and states were then consulted about allocation of funds.
Consulting states while making policy and deciding on funds allocation. Final policy would be a result of that.
Had power to decide allocation of government funds for various programmes at national and state levels.
No power to allocate funds
Imposed policies on states and tied allocation of funds with projects it approved.
NITI is a think-tank and does not have the power to impose policies.


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